About IDS
Always heard about data science but never really knew what it is? Interested in creating data visualizations? Ever been curious to see how humanities can fit into a STEM course? If so, Interdisciplinary Data Science for All (AHUM 1825) is for you!
This course will teach key data science skills and concepts to students who have no experience in statistics or computing, providing them a pathway into more in-depth work with data in any discipline.
At the same time, this course will teach students to apply the central humanities skills of source critique, attention to human motives, and contextualization – to understand that all data is created by humans for humans, that human objectives and cognitive biases shape data analysis and use, and that data can be used (and misused) with enormous consequences.
Interdisciplinary Data Science for All (AHUM 1825) will:
- Combine the learning and application of technical data science skills with research questions drawn from the humanities.
- Invite students to work with multiple data sets, readings, and activities to make and evaluate data-based claims about specific, real research questions from different humanities and human-oriented disciplines.
- Enable students to work with data sets such as a collection of hip hop lyrics, political speeches and manifestos, census counts, and science fiction novels.
Requirements: Small coding assignments, brief essays, and midterm and final group projects with presentations
To register go to CU’s class search and search AHUM 1825